Advancing Healthy Lifestyles Coalition
The AHL Coalition uplifts the well-being of all Delawareans and breaks down barriers to achieve healthy lifestyles.
The 2025 Advancing Healthy Lifestyles Conference is on June 5, 2025!
Presenting the Advancing Healthy Lifestyles (AHL) Conference 2025: Eat Well, Move Well, Live Well, on June 5, 2025, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Delaware State University Martin Luther King Jr. Conference Center. Register today!

About Us:
The Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO) Program launched the Advancing Healthy Lifestyles Coalition, with a goal to bring together coalitions and partners to focus on healthy lifestyles and equity through a PANO lens. All organizations and agencies dedicated to Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention and Advancing Healthy Lifestyles are encouraged to join.

Thursday, June 5, 2025
Annual Advancing Healthy Lifestyles Conference 2025
Delaware State University

In My Garden
Bet Key Wong, MSN, RN, CNOR
For me, a garden is where I find simple solutions to complex problems. It is a place where I can be creative, and it allows me to get lost in my own thoughts.

Member Spotlight
Catalina Natalini
AHL Coalition Meetings
Most Recent Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from to
Quarterly / March 2025
Delaware Public Archives Building
121 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. N., Dover DE 19901Upcoming Meeting
No upcoming meetings are currently scheduled.
Below are the standing committees of the coalition. These committees were founded to promote and strengthen our strategic goals.
Community Engagement
Strategic Goal:
Engage coalitions and key representatives across the health system with a Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO) focus to serve as a repository, knowledge sharing and networking vehicle.
Provide outreach opportunities to increase access to existing programs and services with a Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO)Â focus, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, gender identification, age, ability, citizenship status, or geography.
Program Development
Strategic Goal:
Identify gaps in services and programs that increase access to Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO)Â related services that reduce health disparities, improve outcomes, and affect system or cultural change.
Marketing and Communication
Strategic Goal:
Develop a marketing plan for existing programs linked to Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO)Â and other Coalitions that promote equity and help reduce health disparities.
Strategic Goal:
Advocate for policy systems or environmental changes with a Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO)Â focus that increase equitable access to health programs and services to increase access and reduce health disparities.
Conference Steering
Strategic Goal:
Plan, host, and evaluate the annual Advancing Healthy Lifestyles Conference to provide a platform for cross sectional sharing on national, regional, and local best practices, challenges, opportunities, and success stories.
Strategic Goal:
Empower young Delawareans to lead initiatives that promote health and well-being within their community, fostering a culture of health, resilience, and positive youth engagement.Â
Recently Added Resources
Visit the Resources page to view evidence-based resources, tools, and publications related to physical activity, nutrition, and obesity prevention.

Delaware’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Division of Parks and Recreation’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) tracks the state’s recreation inventory, identifies needs for infrastructure and programs and guides public and private planning and investment to meet those needs.

Burden of Chronic Disease in Delaware 2024, at a Glance
A graphical, easily digestible double-sided fact sheet that summarizes the Burden of Chronic Disease in Delaware 2024 report. It contains high-level findings in several key areas, including demographics; social determinants of health; leading causes of death, disability, and health care costs; achievements in chronic disease risk factors; and more.